Sunday, May 5, 2024

Molecular Biology Techniques Series: Basics Molecular Biology Techniques

 ⭕️ تقدم A4 Solutions الدورة التدريبية الأولى من سلسلة Molecular Biology Techniques بعنوان:

Basics Molecular Biology Techniques

تقدمها:  بروفيسور مرمر عبد الرحمن الصديق

أستاذ التقانات الحيوية بقسم علم النبات – جامعة الخرطوم  


البداية: 1 يونيو 2024م  

عدد الساعات التدريبية: 12 ساعة 

السبت والإثنين والأربعاء من كل أسبوع. 

5:00 م - 7:00 م (بتوقيت الخرطوم 🇸🇩 )

6:00 م - 8:00 م (بتوقيت القاهرة 🇪🇬)

6:00 م - 8:00 م  (بتوقيت مكة المكرمة 🇸🇦)


⭕️Course topics: 

1. Introduction: Molecular Biology and its Importance.

2. Transcription, Translation and Gene Expression.

3. Recombinant DNA Technology. 

4. Isolation and Separation of Nucleic Acids & Proteins. 


⭕️Series expected learning outcomes:

1. know the basic concepts, terms and research methodology used in molecular biology;

2. know basic techniques and research tools used in molecular biology;

3. link theoretical knowledge of molecular biology with its practical application in industry and health care.


⭕️رسوم الدورة التدريبية: 36,000 جنيه سوداني.  

🎁تخفيض حتى 20% للدارسين الراغبين في الالتحاق بالسلسلة كاملة.

🎁تخفيض حتى 25% لمجتمع A4 Solutions.

⭕️التسجيل عبر الرابط: 


⭕️About the instructor:

Prof. Marmar El Siddig is a Full Professor of Microbial & Plant Biotechnology at the Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum. 

She managed - with other researchers in a fruitful team work - to publish more than 80 research articles, conference papers/posters and scientific reports and she fully contributed with her research group to establish the Microbial Culture Collection Unit (MCCU) at the Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum, which is a unique unit in Sudan and she is one of two leaders of all research carried out there. She is an active member, and the editor, of the Graduate College Board for Basic & Engineering Studies, as well as the Faculty of Science Research Board and the Institute of Environmental Studies Research Committee.  

Prof. Marmar El Siddig is the country representative in the Scientific Research & Innovation Committee of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), is the Head of the National Technical Committee of the Sudan National Biosafety Council and she is one of the subject matter experts of CGIAR.


⭕️ عبر تطبيق تليغرام، A4 Solutions أقرب إليكم. إنضموا إلى القناة عبر الرابط

⭕️ يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر 

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