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Friday, September 27, 2024

Fundamentals of Architectural Lighting Design

A4 Solutions

تقدم A4 Solutions دورة تدريبية بعنوان⭕️

Fundamentals of Architectural Lighting Design

يقدمها:  م. محمد سراج الدين
مهندس معماري متخصص في الإضاءة المعمارية

البداية: 19 أكتوبر 2024م 

عدد الساعات التدريبية: 12 ساعة

السبت والأحد من كل أسبوع.
9:00 ص - 11:00 ص (بتوقيت الخرطوم 🇸🇩 )
10:00 ص - 12:00 ظ (بتوقيت القاهرة 🇪🇬)
10:00 ص - 12:00 ظ  (بتوقيت مكة المكرمة 🇸🇦)
⭕️Course topics:

1. Introduction
2. Light and Science
3. Indoor Lighting
4. Outdoor Lighting
5. Lighting Technologies and innovation.
6. Software’s in the lighting industry

⭕️Course expected learning outcomes:

1. Understand the Fundamentals of Light.
2. Learn the theoretical and practical principles of lighting design.
3. Develop the ability to select, evaluate, and apply appropriate lighting technologies, fixtures, and controls for various design projects.
4. Enhance creativity in the use of light within architectural spaces.
5. Understand the principles of sustainable lighting design.
6. Learn about the relevant laws, regulations, codes, and standards affecting lighting design.
7. Acquire the skills to design lighting for a variety of settings.
8. Develop the ability to critically analyze and evaluate lighting designs.
9. Gain insights into the business, communication, and project management aspects of professional lighting design practice.
10. Encourage engagement with current research, trends, and innovations in lighting technology and design practices.

⭕️رسوم الدورة التدريبية: 35 دولار أمريكي

🎁تخفيض 10% لمجتمع A4 Solutions.

⭕️التسجيل عبر الرابط:

⭕️About the instructor:

Graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Science and a Master’s Degree in Architectural Lighting Design, Mohamed is leading Delta Lighting Design studio in London, UK.

Mohamed has led and participated in the design and implementation of various projects – including Dubai Parks and Resorts, the Dubai Design District, the EXPO 2020 Mobility Pavilion, Box Park, La Mer and Lusail City’s Commercial Boulevard in Qatar.

Mohamed collaborated with top tier architects along his career such as Foster and Partners, Zaha Hadid, HoK and the likes.

He has also taught both architecture and design, preparing design seminars and short courses for architecture students.

A keen advocate of his craft, Mohamed was invited to be a speaker at the Middle East Smart Lighting and Design Summit in Abu Dhabi.

⭕️ عبر تطبيق تليغرام، A4 Solutions أقرب إليكم. إنضموا إلى القناة عبر الرابط
⭕️ يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر

WhatsApp: 00249112540854



Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

A4 Solutions

  تقدم A4 Solutions دورة تدريبية بعنوان:⭕️

BIM Management

تقدمها:  م. نهى نور الدائم 
خبير نمذجة معلومات مباني  

البداية: 19 أكتوبر2024م 

عدد الساعات التدريبية: 12 ساعة 

أيام السبت والإثنين والخميس من كل أسبوع
8:30 م - 6:30 م (بتوقيت الخرطوم 🇸🇩 
9:30 م - 7:30 م(بتوقيت القاهرة 🇪🇬)
9:30 م - 7:30 م (بتوقيت مكة المكرمة 🇸🇦)

⭕️محاور الدورة التدريبية:

1. Introduction to BIM 
2. BIM-Definitions and terms  
3. BIM- Benefits
4. Roles and tasks 
5. Applying BIM in the project phases  
6. BIM implementation in companies

⭕️بنهاية الدورة التدريبية يتوقع من الدارس أن يكون قد اكتسب:

1. Foundational Knowledge: A solid understanding of the principles, concepts, and key components of BIM.
2. Practical Skills: Proficiency in utilizing BIM tools for 3D modeling, data integration, and collaborative project management.
3. Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze and evaluate real-world construction projects through the lens of BIM, identifying opportunities for efficiency improvements and informed decision-making.
4. Awareness of Standards: Familiarity with international BIM standard and protocol (Germany as example).
5. Problem-Solving Abilities: Capability to address challenges and obstacles commonly encountered during BIM implementation, applying practical solutions and change management strategies.
6. Project Management Competence: Competence in managing BIM projects throughout their lifecycle.

⭕️رسوم الدورة التدريبية: 75,000 جنيه سوداني. 

🎁تخفيض خاص ١٠٪ لمجتمع A4 Solutions من المشاركين في أي من الدورات السابقة.

⭕️التسجيل عبر الرابط:

 ⭕️عن المدرب:

Nuha is a civil engineer, graduated from the University of Khartoum in 1998. She has experience in major projects in Sudan such as “Wheeta” project. She has also good international experience as she works in Germany on social integrations projects. She obtained a diploma in interior design and specialized in Revit, which allowed her to work currently in an international company. She continued her studies in BIM through its three levels:
BIM Management ( BuilingSmart certification)
BIM Coordination
BIM Modeling.

⭕️ يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر

WhatsApp: 00249112540854 



Saturday, August 17, 2024

Webinar on: BIM Management

A4 Solutions

 نحن متحمسون في A4 Solutions للإعلان عن ندوة عامة جديدة بعنوان:

إدارة نمذجة معلومات المباني - BIM Management 🏗️

مع ضيفتنا المهندسة نهى نور الدائم

استعدوا لاستكشاف عالم إدارة نمذجة معلومات المباني بعمق وشمولية، في حوار شيق تديره:

  •  آلاء عوض الله 
  • أسماء زهير.

 شاركونا أسئلتكم ومداخلاتكم على صفحتنا على الفيسبوك في النقاش المفتوح حول:

  • تعريف عام و تاريخ مختصر عن ال BIM
  • مميزات و فوائد ال BIM 
  • أهم الأدوار والمسؤوليات
  • ⁠التحديات والفرص 

- أمثلة تطبيقية (برج خليفة ومطار برلين)

نحن في انتظار مشاركة أسئلتكم ومداخلاتكم على صفحة A4 Solutions على الفيسبوك.

اليوم السبت الموافق ١٧ أغسطس في تمام الساعة ٧ مساءًا بتوقيت الخرطوم.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

A4 Solutions
⭕️ تقدم A4 Solutions دورة تدريبية بعنوان:

BIM Management


تقدمها:  م. نهى نور الدائم 
خبير نمذجة معلومات مباني  

البداية: 17 أغسطس 2024م 

عدد الساعات التدريبية: 12 ساعة 

أيام السبت والإثنين والخميس من كل أسبوع
8:30 م - 6:30 م (بتوقيت الخرطوم 🇸🇩
9:30 م - 7:30 م(بتوقيت القاهرة 🇪🇬)
9:30 م - 7:30 م (بتوقيت مكة المكرمة 🇸🇦)
⭕️محاور الدورة التدريبية:
1. Introduction to BIM 
2. BIM-Definitions and terms  
3. BIM- Benefits
4. Roles and tasks 
5. Applying BIM in the project phases  
6. BIM implementation in companies

⭕️بنهاية الدورة التدريبية يتوقع من الدارس أن يكون قد اكتسب:

1. Foundational Knowledge: A solid understanding of the principles, concepts, and key components of BIM.
2. Practical Skills: Proficiency in utilizing BIM tools for 3D modeling, data integration, and collaborative project management.
3. Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze and evaluate real-world construction projects through the lens of BIM, identifying opportunities for efficiency improvements and informed decision-making.
4. Awareness of Standards: Familiarity with international BIM standard and protocol (Germany as example).
5. Problem-Solving Abilities: Capability to address challenges and obstacles commonly encountered during BIM implementation, applying practical solutions and change management strategies.
6. Project Management Competence: Competence in managing BIM projects throughout their lifecycle.


⭕️رسوم الدورة التدريبية: 75,000 جنيه سوداني. 

🎁تخفيض خاص ١٠٪ لمجتمع A4 Solutions من المشاركين في أي من الدورات السابقة.

⭕️التسجيل عبر الرابط:

⭕️ عن المدرب:

Mona is a civil engineer, graduated from the University of Khartoum in 1998. She has experience in major projects in Sudan such as “Wheeta” project. She has also good international experience as she works in Germany on social integrations projects. She obtained a diploma in interior design and specialized in Revit, which allowed her to work currently in an international company. She continued her studies in BIM through its three levels:
BIM Management ( BuilingSmart certification)
BIM Coordination
BIM Modeling.

⭕️ يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر

WhatsApp: 00249112540854



Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sequences analysis & Bioinformatics tools

A4 Solutions
⭕️ تقدم A4 Solutions الدورة التدريبية الثالثة من سلسلة Molecular Biology Techniques بعنوان:

Sequences analysis & Bioinformatics tools

تقدمها:  بروفيسور مرمر عبد الرحمن الصديق

أستاذ التقانات الحيوية بقسم علم النبات – جامعة الخرطوم 

البداية: 3 أغسطس 2024م 

عدد الساعات التدريبية: 12 ساعة

السبت والإثنين والأربعاء من كل أسبوع. 
8:30 م - 6:30 م (بتوقيت الخرطوم 🇸🇩 )
9:30 م - 7:30 م (بتوقيت القاهرة 🇪🇬)
10:30 م - 8:30 م  (بتوقيت مكة المكرمة 🇸🇦)

⭕️Course topics:

1. Sequence alignment and homology.
2. Bioinformatics tools for data analysis.
3. Other tools for sequences analysis.

⭕️Series expected learning outcomes:

1. know the basic concepts, terms and research methodology used in molecular biology;
2. know basic techniques and research tools used in molecular biology;
3. link theoretical knowledge of molecular biology with its practical application in industry and health care.


⭕️رسوم الدورة التدريبية: 40,000 جنيه سوداني. 

🎁تخفيض 10% لمجتمع A4 Solutions.

⭕️التسجيل عبر الرابط:


⭕️About the instructor:

Prof. Marmar El Siddig is a Full Professor of Microbial & Plant Biotechnology at the Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum.
She managed - with other researchers in a fruitful team work - to publish more than 80 research articles, conference papers/posters and scientific reports and she fully contributed with her research group to establish the Microbial Culture Collection Unit (MCCU) at the Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum, which is a unique unit in Sudan and she is one of two leaders of all research carried out there. She is an active member, and the editor, of the Graduate College Board for Basic & Engineering Studies, as well as the Faculty of Science Research Board and the Institute of Environmental Studies Research Committee. 
Prof. Marmar El Siddig is the country representative in the Scientific Research & Innovation Committee of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), is the Head of the National Technical Committee of the Sudan National Biosafety Council and she is one of the subject matter experts of CGIAR.


⭕️ عبر تطبيق تليغرام، A4 Solutions أقرب إليكم. إنضموا إلى القناة عبر الرابط
⭕️ يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر
WhatsApp: 00249112540854




Monday, July 15, 2024

Coding for Kids using Scratch

A4 Solutions
💎علموا أولادكم لزمان غير زمانكم

⭕️ تقدم A4 Solutions الدورة التدريبية  بعنوان:

البرمجة بلغة سكراتش للأطفال من عمر ٨ - ١٤ سنة

Coding for Kids using Scratch (8-14 Years)

تقدمها:  م. يسرا عثمان الطاهر

متخصصة في تعليم البرمجة - الذكاء الإصطناعي والروبوتات للأطفال
ماجستير هندسة الشبكات وبنية الحاسوب - جامعة الخرطوم

البداية: 27 يوليو 2024م 

عدد الساعات التدريبية: 12 ساعة

السبت والثلاثاء من كل أسبوع.
4:30 م - 6:30 م (بتوقيت الخرطوم 🇸🇩 )
5:30 م - 7:30 م  (بتوقيت القاهرة 🇪🇬)
5:30 م - 7:30 م  (بتوقيت مكة المكرمة 🇸🇦)
⭕️رسوم الدورة التدريبية:  80 دولار أمريكي.

⭕️التسجيل عبر الرابط:


⭕️Course topics:

1.      Introduction to MIT Scratch 3.0 interface
2.      How to create your own animations
3.      How to design your own interactive stories
4.      How to develop your own games and applications, Step by Step
5.      How to publish your games on Google Play
⭕️ Expected learning outcomes:

After completion of the course, candidate will be able to:
*Technical Skills:*
1.Apply basic coding concepts like sequencing, loops, and conditional statements to create functioning programs.
2.Design effective algorithms demonstrating a grasp of program flow.
3.Debug and troubleshoot programs effectively, identifying and fixing errors with a systematic approach, thus enhancing critical thinking
*Soft Skills*
1.Foster Creativity allowing children to express themselves and ideas.
2.Enhance Problem-Solving by breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps and systematic approach
3.Develop critical thinking by learning how to analyze programs, identify inefficiencies, and find ways for improvement
4.Support team collaboration while working on coding projects with others can teach teamwork, communication, and the ability to learn from peers


⭕️About the instructor:

Eng Yusra Osman is a pioneer in STEM in Children’s Robotics and STEM technology. She is CEO and Founder of Code Hub For Technology Enterprise, with over 10 years’ experience as Embedded Systems Engineer. She has spent last 4 years specialising in the field of Coding, AI, Robotics and STEM for Children.
A Certified Microsoft Innovator Educator Expert, 2022-2023 & 2023-2024. A Certified trainer and Judge for many Coding, AI, Robotics competitions across Gulf and Middle East inspiring the next generation of innovators.Yusra hold an MSc degree in Network and Computer Architecture- Faculty of Engineering -  University of Khartoum.


⭕️ عبر تطبيق تليغرام، A4 Solutions أقرب إليكم. إنضموا إلى القناة عبر الرابط

⭕️ يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر

WhatsApp: 00249112540854




Our Team

  • Dr. Akram Ahmed ElkhalifaAssociate Professor / Archeticture
  • Dr. Alnema Bakri EltomAssistant Professor / Buisness
  • Dr. Amged Osman AbdelatifAssociate Professor / Civil Engineering
  • Ms. Aya Abdalaziz AbdalrahmanLecturer / Linguistics